- That there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God. It alone is the final authority in determining all doctrinal truths.
- We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is a gift from God, not a result of our good works or of any human efforts.
- Sanctification is the ongoing process of yielding to God’s Word and His Spirit in order to complete the development of Christ’s character in us. It is through the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
- In the deity of Jesus Christ and in –
- His virgin birth
- His sinless life
- His miracles
- His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood
- His physical resurrection from the dead in a glorified body
- His ascension to the right hand of God
- His personal return in power and glory to establish His Kingdom
- In the deity of Jesus Christ and in –
Vision & Mission

The Vision of Restoration Christian Ministry is to see God’s people free and living the victorious life He has planned for them through the Pathways to Wholeness Seminar and the Pathways to Wholeness Day of Ministry.
- To hold seminars to see people free and walking in the full power of God.
- To train people to facilitate this seminar as a ministry in the local church, home groups, and the marketplace.
- To partner with local church leadership to help them implement this seminar in their church.
Contact Pastor Ron

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